Monday, April 4, 2011

Starting today, tomorrow's anew

I know, that's from a Dr. Dre song, but hey, I like that song! Plus, I thought it was perfect for my 'starting today' world.  I am starting 'THE diet' today.  I am going with the extremely popular Weight Watchers method.  I'm even going to try the *new* Points Plus method.  I have used WW in the past.  About 4 years ago, after my little girl was born, I used the old WW method to get back to an even-smaller-than-before size of around 115-ish.  Flash forward four years later, and I am at a weight seen previously only in pregnancies.  And, I ordered a bunch of new pants in what I 'thought' was my size now, and couldn't get even one of them buckled.  That's when I realized, okay, I'm going to go back on this diet, for real this time!! So, today's the very first day of my diet and exercise for summer plan.

Starting line-up stats:

Weight:  148 lbs
Size: Not an 8 - that was the size of those 'new' pants that were way too small

My first goal - to get those new pants to fit!!  So far today's not been too bad, I've not been starving like I usually am on a diet.  And, I walked 20 minutes at lunch time - hooray!!

Wish me lots and lots - and LOTS of luck! :)

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