Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 2 - it's not easy, but it IS working!!

I have AMAZING news!! I am down FIVE pounds - woo hoo! Going into week 2 with some momentum, actually loosing something, yay!! It is a little tough to be on a diet right now with all the adorably cute & extra delicious Easter candy out there right now....

Oh how MUCH I love marshmallow Peeps!! And, Easter is prime-Peep-time, they are everywhere! But the good news is... I can eat a whole package, well, the tiny, 4-piece pack that is - for a very small points plus amount! So, these cute little bunnies are my current reward for days when I'm being extra good and have the points to spare :)

Besides my dieting, I'm trying to add in some exercise.  I've started walking at least every other day, even if it's for only ten minutes - that's ten more than not going at all! But, this made me realize very fast how out of shape I've become! And, I actually miss exercise, as strange as that sounds.  For some reason, I always dread doing it, but once I start, it makes me feel so much better.  I ordered some new DVD's and I've started a really fun program - I'll share more about that soon.

I've also added a *counter* to my blog! I don't know if anyone is even stopping by, but if you are - thanks! Have a great day!

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